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Closed move "Regenerate permanent token" in preference page
chorem / bow #10 · created by Eric Chatellier
"Regenerate permanent token" must be put in preference page *(from redmine issue 213 created on 2010-07-14, closed on 2010-07-15)*
Closed Error in findTreeNode client method when Node depth + depth asked > Integer.MAX_VALUE
retired / wikitty #280 · created by Tony Chemit
Lorsque la profondeur de recherche est fixée à un très grand nombre, lorsque le framework ajoute à ce nombre la profondeur du noeud de départ, il y a débordement et on se retrouve avec un nombre négat...
Closed Remove deprecated methods
nuiton / nuiton-utils #169 · created by Tony Chemit
We deprecated some methods since 2.4.6 in FileUtil and other classes. *(from redmine issue 2134 created on 2012-06-11, closed on 2012-06-11)*
Closed Add a ZipUtil#iszipFile method
nuiton / nuiton-utils #168 · created by Tony Chemit
To test if a file is a correct zip file. *(from redmine issue 2133 created on 2012-06-11, closed on 2012-06-11)*
Closed Improve RST generation mecanism
retired / jrst #97 · created by Tony Chemit
There is some bad points to fix when using docutils : * not use the /tmp temp directory (stay inside de maven project in target/) * change name on rst file to transform (actually it is sourcesXXXX, s...
Closed New GUI for JRST with Jaxx
retired / jrst #96 · created by Tony Chemit
Pour faciliter l'utilisation de JRST, il serait souhaitable d'améliorer l'interface graphique en utilisant Jaxx. *(from redmine issue 2130 created on 2012-06-08, closed on 2012-07-02)*
Closed generates more methods on ordered (but not unique) entity attributes
nuiton / topia #469 · created by Tony Chemit
Add two methods for each ordered but not unique entity attribute * addXXX(index,E) * removeXXX(index) *(from redmine issue 3186 created on 2014-05-01, closed on 2014-05-01, relates #2135)*
Closed Add method with index when using stereotype <<indexed>> on entity collection
nuiton / topia #302 · created by Tony Chemit
When using stereotype <> on a collection, it becomes a List to manipulate indexes. When you use directly the method "add(int index, E element)" from List you don't have the entity fire support. Top...
Closed Use FileEditor to input File in ApplicationConfigUI
nuiton / jaxx #1476 · created by Tony Chemit
Il faudrait utiliser le FileEditor pour sélectionner un fichier dans l'ui de config. *(from redmine issue 2138 created on 2012-06-14, closed on 2012-06-14)*
Closed Add component to choose a file
nuiton / jaxx #1475 · created by Tony Chemit
Il faudrait un composant pour pouvoir choisir un File un peu à la manière d'un formulaire html : *(from redmine issue 2137 created on 2012-06-14, closed on 2012-06-14)*
Closed Create component extend JXDatePicker to hide popup button and allow input time
nuiton / jaxx #1474 · created by Tony Chemit
J'ai crée le composant JAXXDatePicker qui permet de cacher le bouton pour afficher la popup et qui permet de saisir un pattern (SimpleDateFormat) et qui n’efface pas (comme actuellement) les heures sa...