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Closed Updates to i18n 2.3.1
chorem / bow #57 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 293 created on 2011-02-14, closed on 2011-02-14)*
Closed There is a semicolon in the end of each row in the exported files (not in the header)
nuiton / nuiton-csv #5 · created by Tony Chemit
There should not be this semicolon according to the rfc *(from redmine issue 2932 created on 2013-11-25, closed on 2013-11-25)*
Closed Update to commons-collections4
nuiton / nuiton-utils #245 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2938 created on 2013-11-27, closed on 2014-02-04)*
Closed Let nuiton-web be ToPIA 3.0 compliant
retired / nuiton-web #91 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2936 created on 2013-11-27, closed on 2013-11-27)*
Open Add "select <property>" or "select distinct <property>" support on Dao
nuiton / topia #401 · created by Tony Chemit
There is actually no support to get property values instead of full entity (select clause). The use case will be: myDao.forXXX(yyy).setOrderProperties(xxx). *findAllXXX();* or myDao.forXXX(yyy).setOr...
Closed Update to commons-collections4
nuiton / nuiton-config #5 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2939 created on 2013-11-27, closed on 2014-08-01)*
Closed Plugin fail to generate data if project is in a path containing a space
nuiton / eugene #224 · created by Tony Chemit
To reproduce, just follow the following step > cd /tmp > mkdir directory\ with\ space > cd directory\ with\ space > svn checkout > cd XXX-0.4.3 >...
Closed [TopiaQuery] Add a method to reset limit
nuiton / topia #36 · created by Tony Chemit
This method already exist, the scope must be change from protected to public *(from redmine issue 293 created on 2010-01-29, closed on 2010-01-29)*
Closed Does not compile if an interface extends JAXXObject
nuiton / jaxx #1655 · created by Tony Chemit
If so, then get this error:
Expected JAXXObject " + jaxxClass.getName() + " to have a static method named $getJAXXObjectDescriptor
*(from redmine issue 2931 created on 2013-11-24, closed on 2013-11...