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Closed Anomalie saisie d'écriture
retired / lima #58 · created by Eric Chatellier
- écriture sans compte n'est pas signalé comme incorrecte (rouge) - problème avec les nombres à virgule, balance à zéro, mais transaction en rouge -impossible d'afficher plusieurs période à la fois (p...
Closed Mauvaise date ajoutée automatiquement
retired / lima #46 · created by Eric Chatellier
Lorsque je rentre une une nouvelle écriture sur une période (24Nov2012-30Nov2012), la date est remplie automatiquement au 2 Nov. 2012. Cette date n'est même pas dans mon exercice. *(from redmine issu...
Closed Review implications of ordering and uniqueness in collections
retired / nuiton-jpa #7 · created by Tony Chemit
Follow impacts of #3147 check generated mappings are correct. *(from redmine issue 3149 created on 2014-04-15, closed on 2014-04-15, blocks #3147)*
Closed Erreur à l'import d'un csv en UTF-8 with BOM
nuiton / nuiton-csv #18 · created by Tony Chemit
Idem (#3144) mais avec Import2. *(from redmine issue 3372 created on 2014-07-30, closed on 2014-07-30)*
Closed Erreur à l'import d'un csv en UTF-8 with BOM
nuiton / nuiton-csv #16 · created by Tony Chemit
Ce problème a été constaté sur ENC ( Deux fichiers (contenu identique) n'avaient pas le même encodage :
> file  Fichier*
Fichier1.csv: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM...
Closed Review implications of ordering and uniqueness in collections
nuiton / topia #456 · created by Tony Chemit
Follow impacts of #3147 check generated mappings are correct. *(from redmine issue 3148 created on 2014-04-15, closed on 2014-04-15, duplicates #3146, blocks #3147)*
Closed "ordered" stereotype has a clumsy behavior, review expected behavior for "unique", "indexed" and "ordered" stereotypes
nuiton / topia #455 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3146 created on 2014-04-14, closed on 2014-04-22, duplicates #3148)*
Closed HqlAndParameterBuilder.addWhereClause fails because of parameters collision
nuiton / topia #454 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3143 created on 2014-04-09, closed on 2014-04-09)*
Closed Some queries fails because of unexpected HQL parameter names
nuiton / topia #453 · created by Tony Chemit
Here is the application's code: > List toDirty = computedUserPermissionDao.forProperties( > ComputedUserPermission.PROPERTY_TYPE, PermissionObjectType.DOMAIN_ID, > ComputedUserPermission.PROP...
Closed Add the TopiaDao#forAll() method
nuiton / topia #452 · created by Tony Chemit
that returns an empty (no restriction) QueryBuilder *(from redmine issue 3141 created on 2014-04-04, closed on 2014-04-04)*
Closed Hibernate connection not closed since 4.3.1 update
nuiton / topia #451 · created by Tony Chemit
Since 4.3.1 update, the hibenate connection is not close, resulting in a h2 lock on database. During undeploy, following traces:
Grave: The web application [/agrosyst-web] registered the JDBC driver...
Closed Hibernate connection not closed since 4.3.1 update
nuiton / topia #440 · created by Tony Chemit
Since 4.3.1 update, the hibenate connection is not close, resulting in a h2 lock on database. During undeploy, following traces:
Grave: The web application [/agrosyst-web] registered the JDBC driver...
Closed Review implications of ordering and uniqueness in collections
nuiton / eugene #232 · created by Tony Chemit
* Remove duplication between "indexed" and "ordered" stereotypes * Factorize code to always check for both uml ordering property and "ordered" strereotypes * Use Collection, List, Set, LinkedHashSet a...