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Closed Eception au premier lancement de Lima
retired / lima #336 · created by Eric Chatellier
ERROR [main] ( error - EjbTransactionUtil.handleSystemException: java.sql.SQLException: The url cannot be null
org.nuiton.topia.persistence.TopiaException: java.sql.SQLExceptio...
Closed Dans le module Rapport|Edition Compte, la recherche sur un compte ne prend en compte que le dernier carractère saisie
retired / lima #255 · created by Eric Chatellier
mail: du 10/03/2014 23:42 de Michael Uplawski Bonsoir de nouveau, dans le module Rapports|Edition Compte, il ne sert à rien de taper les chiffres d'un compte, car chaque touche du clavier écrase la p...
Closed Error while (re)importing EBP entries
retired / lima #92 · created by Eric Chatellier
Exporting entries with EBP format is fine. But importing the same file doesn't work -> "FAILED: This file contains no entries." *(from redmine issue 429 created on 2011-08-11, closed on 2014-01-17)*...
Closed Rethink tests (isolation and architecture)
retired / lima #91 · created by Eric Chatellier
Tests is business module are quite anormal :( * a lots are commented (so no test!) * other use same resource (says the database) so no test isolation *(from redmine issue 428 created on 2011-08-11,...
Open Install / uninstall / update process
retired / lima #90 · created by Eric Chatellier
Lima should have an install and uninstall process to encourage users to use the software. These make easier to create and remove configuration files. And also it should ask to update Lima if there i...
Closed Création de comptes fournisseurs
retired / lima #89 · created by Eric Chatellier
impossible de créer un nouveau compte fournisseur, les existants ont été importés et sont issus du compte 4, sauf que pour créer un compte 401nnnnnn on doit d'abord créer un 40 puis 401. Ceci étant fa...
Closed Wrong methods description
retired / lima #88 · created by Eric Chatellier
Many methods have the same description. It's impossible to always understand the aim of the method having the wrong description. e.g. /** * (Account) setAccountNumber : * Un compte. Plus petite un...
Closed Updates to i18n 2.4.1
retired / lima #87 · created by Eric Chatellier
To use better user external i18n directory *(from redmine issue 422 created on 2011-08-04, closed on 2011-08-04)*
Closed Add i18n file in directory in zip release file and add this directory un classpath
retired / lima #86 · created by Eric Chatellier
Mettre les fichiers de langue dans un répertoire du zip, pour que les utilisateurs puissent facilement créer de nouveau fichier de langue, ou modifier les fichiers existant et les utiliser Des cette ...
Closed Add directory in zip release and put in all file from resources/import
retired / lima #85 · created by Eric Chatellier
L'utilité est que les utilisateurs puissent modifier et importer les fichiers Fichiers actuels: bcr_base.csv bcr_developed.csv bcr_shortened.csv eb_default.csv pcg_base.csv pcg_developed.csv pcg_sh...
Closed Création d'un Numero de compte
retired / lima #80 · created by Eric Chatellier
Impossible de créer un compte Tiers, ex 401LENYB à partir des comptes 401. Le message d'erreur est le suivant "subledger must create on a account whithout subaccount" *(from redmine issue 412 created...
Closed regex non compatible windows?
chorem / jtimer #16 · created by Eric Chatellier
j'essaye de déplacer une tache nommée 1.0.1-rc-1 et j'ai un message : regex non compatible windows puis un Impossible d'effectué cette action sur un projet synchronisé :) *(from redmine issue 42 ...
Open Maven test utilise les properties de test de la distribution
retired / jredmine #40 · created by Tony Chemit
Malgré des données personnalisées dans, le test part avec les valeurs packagées dans la distribution
$ mvn test
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO]                          ...
Closed Import parse fails if column contains data starting with quote "
nuiton / nuiton-csv #4 · created by Tony Chemit
Following data fails to import:
10/10/2013;Un singe en été;24;TWO;
10/10/2013;"Amazing" spiderman;42;ZERO;
*(from redmine issue 2872 created on 2013-10-10)*
Closed Add default value support in ApplicationConfig substitutions
nuiton / nuiton-utils #28 · created by Tony Chemit
Add following variables substitutions support :
myconfig = ${solr.home:/etc/solr}/solr.cfg
*(from redmine issue 427 created on 2010-03-29, closed on 2010-07-05)*
Closed Generated xdoc in not proper xdoc 2.0
retired / jrst #9 · created by Tony Chemit
Le xdoc généré ne respecte pas la xsd : Voici le patch qui corrige cela :
--- src/main/resources/xsl/rst2xdoc.xsl	(révision 426)
+++ src/main/resources/xsl/r...
Closed Can't delete some n-n association.
nuiton / topia #581 · created by Tony Chemit
I got this error :
Hibernate: SELECT main.topiaid from OBSERVE_LONGLINE.Set main, OBSERVE_LONGLINE.mitigationtype_set secondary where main.topiaid=secondary.set and secondary.mitigationType='fr.ird....
Closed HqlAndParameters builder may generate HQL incompatible with PostgreSQL given an empty collection argument
nuiton / topia #443 · created by Tony Chemit
> org.nuiton.topia.persistence.TopiaException: An error occurs during query operation: from topiaEntity_ where (topiaEntity_.topiaId in ()) : c...
Closed Calling mvn eugene:help raise a classpath error
nuiton / eugene #264 · created by Tony Chemit
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI :: ...
Closed i18n dans service de migration
nuiton / topia #8 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 42 created on 2009-09-03, closed on 2009-09-03)*