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Closed Deploy instance with data to test in real live
retired / chorem #51 · created by Eric Chatellier
Le but est de mettre les données de l'ancien chorem et tester l'application durant quelques jours. *(from redmine issue 888 created on 2013-02-25, closed on 2013-02-25)*
Closed Remove Invoiceable extension and replace it by FinancialTransaction
retired / chorem #50 · created by Eric Chatellier
Invoiceable n'est pas au point et perturbe plus les utilisateurs. Un nouvel objet dont héritera les notes de frais et les factures devrait etre introduit: FinancialTransaction *(from redmine issue...
Closed Bad computation in Budget report
retired / chorem #49 · created by Eric Chatellier
lorsqu'on demande le rapport sur les 12 premiers mois, puis sur les 12 suivants, le solde reporté ne correspond pas :(. Cela provient d'un probleme dans l'API Wikitty lorsqu'on fait un sum, il ne fai...
Closed Introduce a CRM module
retired / chorem #48 · created by Eric Chatellier
This module should allow to manage accounts (customers), relations with them and quotations. *(from redmine issue 882 created on 2013-02-14)*
Closed Improve "assign idle time to other task" view
chorem / jtimer #126 · created by Eric Chatellier
Current design is not perfect. User may: - want to switch on the other task rather than to current one - create a new task with that time - assign time and stop - ... *(from redmine issue 1352 c...
Closed Add the ability to assign idle time to a task.
chorem / jtimer #80 · created by Eric Chatellier
I would like the ability to apply idle time to a task other than the currently running task. When idle, the user is presented with an idle dialog that lets them stop, continue, and resume the current...
Closed Use query.addSortField() to allow multiples fields sorting
retired / wikitty #58 · created by Tony Chemit
In WikittySearchEnginSolr, query.setSortField is used instead of query.addSortField *(from redmine issue 886 created on 2010-09-23, closed on 2010-09-23)*
Closed Change parent and children fields on TreeNode from String to Wiktty (need reindexing)
retired / wikitty #57 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 885 created on 2010-09-23, closed on 2010-09-23)*
Closed Change store signature taking java.util.Set
retired / wikitty #56 · created by Tony Chemit
Storing duplicated entities using store(List) cause wikity obselete exception. Changing signature to java.util.Set should resolve this issue. *(from redmine issue 882 created on 2010-09-21, closed o...
Closed Add WikittyObseleteException for obselete wikitty storage
retired / wikitty #55 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 881 created on 2010-09-21, closed on 2010-09-21)*
Closed Fix NullPointerException during syncEngin (link to wikitty id not in index)
retired / wikitty #54 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 880 created on 2010-09-20, closed on 2010-09-20)*
Open améliorer les caches d'appels vers redmine
retired / jredmine #4 · created by Tony Chemit
Par example, lors de la génération multi-langue d'un site, il faut calculer une seule fois les données à afficher De plus le cache doit être multi maven build (et meme dans les fork qui sont nombreux...
Closed Add more methods in FileUtil (to work directly on file name without having the file)
nuiton / nuiton-utils #61 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 887 created on 2010-09-23, closed on 2010-09-23)*
Closed No link render when using a https url
retired / jrst #39 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 883 created on 2010-09-22, closed on 2010-10-29)*
Closed PostgreSQL socket closed error
nuiton / topia #86 · created by Tony Chemit
Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: could not execute query
	at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert(
	at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCE...
Closed Too much resources to copy for each writer
nuiton / eugene #85 · created by Tony Chemit
All files that exclude the include pattern for each pattern are copied. This is not right at all (we could copy zargo files for example...). Now, We will only take the properties file associated with...
Closed Can not merge two models which does not come from same input
nuiton / eugene #84 · created by Tony Chemit
the problem is that each entry corresponding to a input root is treated by himself. To sole the problem we must do it in a same pass : 1. Obtain all files to treate (for all entries) 2. Launch gener...
Closed I18n properties file are managed with UTF-8 encoding by default
nuiton / i18n #76 · created by Tony Chemit
Before encoding was Properties default one (iso-8859-1 or us-ascii). Now the default has been set to UTF-8 to allow properties file without unicode escape (could be better for japanese or chinese tran...
Closed Plugin encoding parameter is not properly managed
nuiton / i18n #72 · created by Tony Chemit
Even if encoding is set to UTF-8, resulting properties file will stay in default ISO-8859-1 format. With JDK1.6 it's possible to use Writer and given specific encoding to save those files. SortedProp...