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Closed Consider schema everywhere
nuiton / topia #599 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3726 created on 2015-07-01, closed on 2015-08-23, relates #3519, relates #3473)*
Closed Bad schema name generation for a n*m relation
nuiton / topia #561 · created by Tony Chemit
The schema used is the attribute classifier, but should be the entity owning the attribute. *(from redmine issue 3519 created on 2014-09-26, closed on 2014-09-26, relates #3726)*
Closed Can specifiy dbSchema tag value at package level
nuiton / topia #552 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3473 created on 2014-08-24, closed on 2014-08-25, relates #3726)*