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Closed Add containsXXX method on entities
nuiton / topia #471 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3188 created on 2014-05-04, closed on 2014-05-04)*
Closed Bad hibernate collection type in mapping for an ordered and unique attribute
nuiton / topia #470 · created by Tony Chemit
As soon as a attribute is ordered we must use a *list* hibernate mapping type (to be able to add a *list-index*) Previous code was:
        if (EugeneStereoTypes.hasUniqueStereotype(attr)) {
Closed generates more methods on ordered (but not unique) entity attributes
nuiton / topia #469 · created by Tony Chemit
Add two methods for each ordered but not unique entity attribute * addXXX(index,E) * removeXXX(index) *(from redmine issue 3186 created on 2014-05-01, closed on 2014-05-01, relates #2135)*
Closed Fix generation of entity.getXXX(index) for ordered but not unique attribute
nuiton / topia #468 · created by Tony Chemit
The collection is ordered so it make sense to ask for an element for a particular index. Need to change a bit the generated code. *(from redmine issue 3184 created on 2014-05-01, closed on 2014-05-01...
Closed Introduce a service to integrate with flyway database migration framework
nuiton / topia #467 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3181 created on 2014-04-30, closed on 2014-04-30)*
Closed Review topia services management and configuration
nuiton / topia #466 · created by Tony Chemit
* Remove boolean returned by preInit and postInit * Allow using multiple service instantiation * Remove poorly designed code (dynamically accessed static variable - once again) *(from redmine issue 3...
Closed Add method with index when using stereotype <<indexed>> on entity collection
nuiton / topia #302 · created by Tony Chemit
When using stereotype <> on a collection, it becomes a List to manipulate indexes. When you use directly the method "add(int index, E element)" from List you don't have the entity fire support. Top...
Closed Add a failIfUnsafe flag on generate mojo
nuiton / eugene #240 · created by Tony Chemit
This new flag will fail the build if there is some errors while loading the model. *(from redmine issue 3185 created on 2014-05-01, closed on 2014-05-01)*
Closed Change stereotypes collection to set
nuiton / eugene #239 · created by Tony Chemit
A stereotype should be unique for a givne element. *(from redmine issue 3183 created on 2014-05-01, closed on 2014-05-01)*
Closed to be able to load multiple stereotype from the model properties file
nuiton / eugene #238 · created by Tony Chemit
For example if you want an attribute to be both ordered and unique you should be able to write this:
org.chorem.pollen.persistence.entity.FavoriteList.attribute.member.stereotype=ordered, unique
Closed Support UML3 dans eugene
nuiton / eugene #32 · created by Tony Chemit
ci-joint le fichier .uml généré par topcased / eclipse dernière version et un fichier .objectmodel issue de la génération. C'est issu du project bws-webmastering-api dispo ici : http://svn.sharengo.o...
Closed [CustomTab] Add a button to close the custom tab
nuiton / jaxx #1687 · created by Tony Chemit
It can be configured in the model *(from redmine issue 3189 created on 2014-05-08, closed on 2014-05-08)*