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Closed Lettrage
retired / lima #31 · created by Eric Chatellier
la période de lettrage doit pouvoir être saisie manuellement car actuellement, lorsqu'on clique sur "lettrer" les propositions de période sont du 1er au 31 de chaque mois, il est impossible de lettrer...
Closed Updates struts2 to 2.3.14
retired / nuiton-web #89 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2680 created on 2013-04-30, closed on 2013-04-30)*
Closed Integrates new yaml objectModel in eugene-maven-plugin
nuiton / eugene #208 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2686 created on 2013-05-06, closed on 2013-05-29)*
Closed Define a new yaml syntax to represent objectModel
nuiton / eugene #207 · created by Tony Chemit
* this syntax should be able to write in yaml syntax an objectModel *(from redmine issue 2685 created on 2013-05-06, closed on 2013-05-29)*
Closed Add a way to merge some objectmodel
nuiton / eugene #206 · created by Tony Chemit
There is nothing for this in eugene and we will need it now that we are trying to read models from different input types. *(from redmine issue 2684 created on 2013-05-05)*
Closed Add an ObjectModel pojo implementation
nuiton / eugene #205 · created by Tony Chemit
There is only a *xml* implementation used to read object model from xml files. This implementation is hacked for digester purpose :( Morover it should be nice to have setters on model to be able to f...
Closed ITs in eugene-m-p should always be runned
nuiton / eugene #204 · created by Tony Chemit
Testing its only at release time is not sufficient, its are here to be tested. *(from redmine issue 2682 created on 2013-05-05, closed on 2013-05-05)*
Closed Make possible to apply templates to different inputs
nuiton / eugene #203 · created by Tony Chemit
Right now, we can only apply templates on the *model* input, we should be abel to apply templates to any input that can load in memory a model. *(from redmine issue 2681 created on 2013-05-04, closed...
Closed Rename I18n methods to be compatible with jre 8
nuiton / i18n #109 · created by Tony Chemit
As *_* is a reserved keyword for jre 8 (lambda functions), we need to rename it. We will rename then : * *I18n._()* to *I18n.t()* * *I18n.n_()* to *I18n.n()* * *I18n.l_()* to *I18n.l()* *(from red...
Closed [Swing session] create a state for the BeanFilterableComboBox
nuiton / jaxx #1615 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2689 created on 2013-05-15, closed on 2013-05-15)*
Closed Add a JaxxRuntimeException to catch some special errors
nuiton / jaxx #1614 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2688 created on 2013-05-08, closed on 2013-05-08)*