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Closed Revert modification to allow running multiple task at the same time
chorem / jtimer #130 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 1359 created on 2016-05-26, closed on 2016-08-03)*
Closed Empty time must not be add to file
chorem / jtimer #129 · created by Eric Chatellier
I have task with 30200 line of data but with 30000 with ' 0'. If those empty line (time == 0) are removed the data takes only 4k with all line data takes 335k :(. Perhaps there are same problem in mem...
Closed Improve "edit task" popup
chorem / jtimer #128 · created by Eric Chatellier
Edit task popup is quite fonctionnal and complete, but some part need to be changed and improved. Design too. See #988 and #14 for some inspiration. *(from redmine issue 1354 created on 2016-03-30,...
Closed Improve "alerte" popup
chorem / jtimer #127 · created by Eric Chatellier
Alerte popup is not perfect. There is some "technical" label displayed. *(from redmine issue 1353 created on 2016-03-30)*
Closed Improve "assign idle time to other task" view
chorem / jtimer #126 · created by Eric Chatellier
Current design is not perfect. User may: - want to switch on the other task rather than to current one - create a new task with that time - assign time and stop - ... *(from redmine issue 1352 c...
Closed Add option to start a task automatically on creation
chorem / jtimer #125 · created by Eric Chatellier
In NewTaskView, add check box to start task after creation. *(from redmine issue 1351 created on 2016-03-24)*
Closed Add description to tasks
chorem / jtimer #92 · created by Eric Chatellier
I have it setup where the task names are the various job codes that I need to use, but sometimes it is not readily apparent what the job code is for. It would be nice to be able to have a descriptio...
Closed Add the ability to assign idle time to a task.
chorem / jtimer #80 · created by Eric Chatellier
I would like the ability to apply idle time to a task other than the currently running task. When idle, the user is presented with an idle dialog that lets them stop, continue, and resume the current...
Open Find duplicate bookmarks
chorem / bow #128 · created by Eric Chatellier
It would be nice to have an action in order to list all duplicate bookmarks. User should not be able to add the exact same url if already existing. But the system allows the creation of a new bookmar...
Open Atom XML is not valid when description contains entity à ...
chorem / bow #127 · created by Eric Chatellier
Le XML des flux atom n'est pas valide, lorsqu'il y a des entités *(from redmine issue 1350 created on 2016-03-19)*
Open Check for loop in TreeNode store
retired / wikitty #141 · created by Tony Chemit
When storing a TreeNode, wikitty must check that new TreeNode doesn't create an infinite loop.
TreeNode.wikittyId = TreeNode.parentId
Another case is a loop between 2 or more treenodes. *(from re...
Closed Add information in log during reindexation process
retired / wikitty #140 · created by Tony Chemit
SyncSearchEngin can take a long time, if we can have information during reindexation process in log like % of work done, this is very good *(from redmine issue 1352 created on 2011-02-22, closed on 2...
Closed Bug in reindexation with new SolR indexation implementation
retired / wikitty #139 · created by Tony Chemit
La reindexation (syncEngine) envoi par block les wikitties, mais rien ne sertifie que les attachments et les TreeNode qui les utilisent soient envoyés ensemble. Il faut donc gérer le cas ou les attach...
Closed Add test on reindexation with TreeNode data
retired / wikitty #138 · created by Tony Chemit
Lorsqu'on demande une reindexation complete, elle se fait par N objet Wikitty à la fois. Ce qui fait qu'un TreeNode pourrait ne pas encore avoir ses parents dans l'indexe ou ses attachmemts. Pour evit...
Closed Rename TimeTrace to TimeLog
nuiton / nuiton-utils #99 · created by Tony Chemit
Usage of TimeTrace is close to Log with other evolution ticket, name must be TimeLog. And 'add' method must be renamed to 'log' *(from redmine issue 1355 created on 2011-02-23, closed on 2011-02-23)*...
Closed enhance TimeTrace to permit to add message and chain add call
nuiton / nuiton-utils #98 · created by Tony Chemit
Actuellement, on ne peut pas mettre de message specifique dans un timeLog, cela permettrait d'eviter d'avoir deux log pour la meme chose (log pour le message + log pour le temps) De la meme maniere, ...
Closed enhance TimeTrace to permit to use it like log
nuiton / nuiton-utils #97 · created by Tony Chemit
Il serait bon de pouvoir utiliser TimeTrace a la facon des logguer, c-a-d en passant en parametre la class dans lequel il est utilisé ou le logguer utilise pour cette classe. Exemple d'utilisation: ...
Closed Unable to use TopiaContextableEntities
nuiton / topia #478 · created by Tony Chemit
if add "model.tagValue.contextable=true" in entities don't compile
[ERROR] /home/bavencoff/forge/sammoa/sammoa-persistence/target/generated-sources/java/fr/ulr/sammoa/persistence/Ob...
Closed method size() : Compter le nombre d'entités depuis un DAO directement en base
nuiton / topia #12 · created by Tony Chemit
Utilisation d'un count(*) en HQL plutôt qu'un size() sur la liste renvoyé par le findAll(). *(from redmine issue 135 created on 2009-11-27, closed on 2009-11-27)*