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Closed Test all fonctionnality and debug/enhance them
retired / chorem #33 · created by Eric Chatellier
Le but est de faire tout pour que la prochaine release soit a peut pres utilisable :) *(from redmine issue 789 created on 2012-08-24, closed on 2012-08-24)*
Closed Support Multi domain with one chorem instance
retired / chorem #32 · created by Eric Chatellier
Le but est que pour plusieurs domain (,, ...) on utilise la meme instance de chorem, mais que les données soit dans des bases differentes. *(from redmine issue 788 created on 2012-08...
Closed Support Authentication
retired / chorem #31 · created by Eric Chatellier
Il faudrait pouvoir supporter l'authentification pour que le monde entier ne puisse pas acceder a une instance de chorem. *(from redmine issue 787 created on 2012-08-24, closed on 2012-08-24)*
Open Faire fonctionner l'application en mode *Webstart*
retired / lima #219 · created by Eric Chatellier
Two point to fix : * bad configuration (can not use a pack200 with extensions) * problem while webstart is launching lima due to openEJB :
Closed [Saisie des écritures]Modification de la première entrée d'une transaction et des suivantes
retired / lima #218 · created by Eric Chatellier
Lorsque la description de la première entrée d'une transaction est modifiée, les suivantes le sont aussi, ce qui ne doit pas être le cas. *(from redmine issue 785 created on 2012-08-23, closed on 201...
Closed [Plan TVA] Import du pdf impossible
retired / lima #217 · created by Eric Chatellier
L'import du pdf de la déclaration de tva génère une erreur. *(from redmine issue 784 created on 2012-08-21, closed on 2012-08-22)*
Closed [Entrées incorrectes] Affichage de clefs et répétitions d'écritures
retired / lima #216 · created by Eric Chatellier
On peut encore voire le nom d'une clef d'internationalisation, et les entrées affichées sont répétées dans le tableau. *(from redmine issue 783 created on 2012-08-20, closed on 2012-08-20)*
Closed Stop all tasks button
chorem / jtimer #78 · created by Eric Chatellier
I would like a "Stop all tasks" button in addition to or instead of the current "Stop selected task" button. "Stop all tasks" is available from the task bar, but not from the GUI. *(from redmine issu...
Closed Option to only have one task running at a time
chorem / jtimer #76 · created by Eric Chatellier
I would like an option that, when set, will cause all other running tasks to stop when a new task is started. Right now, it is possible to have multiple tasks running at any given time, but, when rec...
Closed Timing stop on a task and task can't be restarted
chorem / jtimer #50 · created by Eric Chatellier
Sometimes, a started task stop to run (duration stop to increase) and task can't be stopped. Following exception appears in log:
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
Closed Renaming a task break tasks tree rendering
chorem / jtimer #27 · created by Eric Chatellier
Lors d'un renommage de nom de tĉhe (qui change l'ordre alphabetique), l'ancien emplacement devient un champ vide. Le seul moyen de revenir à un état normal est de redémarrer JTimer *(from redmine iss...
Open add group by clause in Query to group on specific field
retired / wikitty #303 · created by Tony Chemit
On pourrait permettre de grouper les resultats en fonction d'un champs, le resultat retourné serait alors une map de resultat, avec en cle la valeur du champs. Cela se rapproche des facets mais permet...
Closed NPE on JCS cache when we try to restore object with null id
retired / wikitty #114 · created by Tony Chemit
2010-12-24 10:44:21,788 [main] ERROR org.apache.jcs.engine.control.CompositeCache - Problem encountered getting element. java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Hashtable.get( ...
Closed Solr can register him self env property
retired / wikitty #28 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 789 created on 2010-07-30, closed on 2010-07-30)*
Closed Suppression ou renommage du fichier default-jbosstm-properties.xml
retired / wikitty #27 · created by Tony Chemit
Le fichier default-jbosstm-properties.xml devrait s'appeler default-jbosst*s*-properties.xml voir même ne pas exister, et être surchargé par les applications utilisatrices. *(from redmine issue 788 c...
Closed Delete function check aleady deleted wikitties but don't use it
retired / wikitty #26 · created by Tony Chemit
In function : org.nuiton.wikitty.WikittyServiceImpl.delete(String, WikittyTransaction, Collection) already deleted are removed from iterator, but effective delete is done on original non filtered list...
Closed constant is not used in generated code
retired / wikitty #25 · created by Tony Chemit
in getter and setter we used 'name' but we must use 'FIELD_PERSON_NAME' constant instead in generated code *(from redmine issue 785 created on 2010-07-28, closed on 2010-07-29)*
Closed Change static field name for field name in generated BusinessEntity
retired / wikitty #24 · created by Tony Chemit
actualy we have:
static final public String EXT_PERSON = "Person";

static final public String FIELD_NAME = "name";
static final public String FQ_FIELD_NAME = EXT_BOOKMARK + ".name";
this is very ...
Closed Add toString tag/value on wikitty
retired / wikitty #23 · created by Tony Chemit
We must have tag/value on wikitty, not just on field. With that we can add 'toString' tag/Value used to have human representation of wikitty. example: * toString="the name is {NODE_NAME}" * toString=...
Closed Non multithreaded WikittyExtensionStorageJDBC.lastVersion
retired / wikitty #22 · created by Tony Chemit
In WikittyExtensionStorageJDBC class, attribute lastVersion in not multithreaded *(from redmine issue 782 created on 2010-07-26, closed on 2010-10-20)*