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Closed L'ajout d'un nouveau compte ne fonctionne pas
retired / lima #4 · created by Eric Chatellier
... *(from redmine issue 58 created on 2009-10-14, closed on 2009-10-14)*
Closed Invisible text in "Options" menu
chorem / jtimer #111 · created by Eric Chatellier
When an option is checked in "Options" menu, the text is invisible. It is visible only at rollover *(from redmine issue 1332 created on 2016-02-29, closed on 2016-03-02)* ### Files * [1332] (/uplo...
Closed Use maven-javadoc-plugin 2.7
nuiton / maven-helper-plugin #30 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 585 created on 2010-05-08, closed on 2010-05-08)*
Closed Plugin is not maven 3 compatible
nuiton / maven-helper-plugin #29 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 583 created on 2010-05-08, closed on 2010-05-08)*
Closed HqlAndParameters builder may generate HQL incompatible with PostgreSQL given an empty collection argument
nuiton / topia #443 · created by Tony Chemit
> org.nuiton.topia.persistence.TopiaException: An error occurs during query operation: from topiaEntity_ where (topiaEntity_.topiaId in ()) : c...
Closed Calling mvn eugene:help raise a classpath error
nuiton / eugene #264 · created by Tony Chemit
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI :: ...
Closed NullPointerException when events are fired after deserialisation
nuiton / topia #101 · created by Tony Chemit
Caused by: org.nuiton.topia.TopiaVetoException: java.lang.NullPointerException
 at org.nuiton.topia.framework.TopiaFiresSupport.fireOnPreWrite(
 at org.nuiton.topia.persist...
Closed Refactor generated code for delete on relation without association entity
nuiton / topia #90 · created by Tony Chemit
It's pretty tricky !
List list = getContext().getHibernate().createSQLQuery(
                    "SELECT main.topiaid " +
                    "from contact2 main, contacts_party2 secondary " +
Closed Remplacer l'utilisation de la requete SQL dans la génération pour le cas du delete N-N
nuiton / topia #44 · created by Tony Chemit
Relation N-N sans classe association. La table jointure existe mais pas en tant qu'entité hibernate. Ex :
List list = getContext().getHibernate().createSQLQuery(
Closed Use maven-javadoc-plugin 2.7
nuiton / eugene #54 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 587 created on 2010-05-09, closed on 2010-05-09)*
Closed Use maven-helper-plugin 1.2.4
nuiton / eugene #53 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 584 created on 2010-05-08, closed on 2010-05-08)*
Closed Add dependency 'constants' Enumeration to attach constants to an Interface
nuiton / eugene #52 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 582 created on 2010-05-07, closed on 2010-05-07)*
Closed Do not generates modifiers on a constant for an Interface
nuiton / eugene #51 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 581 created on 2010-05-07, closed on 2010-05-07)*
Closed Gestion des statics (operations, attributs, ...) depuis XMI 1.2 et 2.1
nuiton / eugene #4 · created by Tony Chemit
Vérifier l'ObjectModel pour la gestion du statique (boolean isStatic) Ajouter/vérifier le support des statics depuis XMI 1.2 et 2.1 pour operations, attributs et classes *(from redmine issue 58 creat...
Closed Use maven-helper-plugin 1.2.4
nuiton / jaxx #1349 · created by Tony Chemit
To be maven 3 compatible *(from redmine issue 586 created on 2010-05-09, closed on 2010-05-09)*