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Closed Add support for group (private/public) and with specific tag share some bookmark with this groups
chorem / bow #104 · created by Eric Chatellier
if we have group 'toto' and some bookmark with tag '@toto' all members of group toto can see this bookmarks *(from redmine issue 1263 created on 2015-07-20, closed on 2015-07-20, duplicates #229)*
Closed Partage de bookmark entre utilisateur
chorem / bow #25 · created by Eric Chatellier
- Possibilité pour un utilisateur d'avoir accès aux bookmarks des autres utilisateurs, grâce à un système de droits. Ceci devra être fait en s'appuyant sur la notion de droit de wikitty lorsqu'elle s...
Open Trier les artifacts à références dans les annonces
retired / jredmine #20 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 229 created on 2010-01-17, closed on 2010-01-17)*
Closed updates to nuiton-i18n 2.5
nuiton / nuiton-utils #191 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2298 created on 2012-09-04, closed on 2012-09-04)*
Closed Aggreagate application-config report should fork to compile modules
nuiton / nuiton-utils #190 · created by Tony Chemit
This will make possible to generate site event if compile was not already done on project (helps for release...) *(from redmine issue 2295 created on 2012-09-02, closed on 2012-09-02)*
Closed Use m-plugin-p 3 new api (annotations)
nuiton / nuiton-utils #189 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2294 created on 2012-09-02, closed on 2012-09-02)*
Closed Add Mapped file backend Vector
nuiton / nuiton-matrix #35 · created by Tony Chemit
Huge matrix take to many memory size. We need new backend that used disk space. *(from redmine issue 2293 created on 2012-08-30, closed on 2012-08-30)*
Closed remove ant module from svn
nuiton / i18n #100 · created by Tony Chemit
Will stay anyway forever... *(from redmine issue 2297 created on 2012-09-04, closed on 2012-09-04)*
Closed Updates to helper-m-p 1.5
nuiton / i18n #99 · created by Tony Chemit
Implicit with mavenpom 3.3.7 usage ;) *(from redmine issue 2296 created on 2012-09-04, closed on 2012-09-04)*
Closed Generate a csv file with all translations for all locales in a csv file in bundle mojo
nuiton / i18n #98 · created by Tony Chemit
This feature is very usefull when we want to translate at a time all missing keys (but not at a build time of course!). To use this just add *-Di18n.generateCsvFile* on the bundle mojo, a csv file wi...
Closed Introduce a simple struts2 jsp parser
nuiton / i18n #97 · created by Tony Chemit
this new parser (which can't be perfect) helps if used within the new acceptKeyFormat parameter. *(from redmine issue 2290 created on 2012-08-29, closed on 2012-08-29)*