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Closed Allow seach in "OpenSearch" zone with bow configured search engine
chorem / bow #24 · created by Eric Chatellier
Le but est de pouvoir par exemple dans chromium ou firefox taper dans la barre d'adresse aussi bien une recherche pour bow qu'un recherche pour son moteur choisi sans devoir reconfigurer le navigateur...
Closed Improve equals performance
nuiton / nuiton-matrix #34 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2285 created on 2012-08-27, closed on 2012-08-27)*
Open Can not generate with new way
retired / jrst #103 · created by Tony Chemit
2012/08/23 10:03:52 ERROR ( Error during the creation of the document
org.dom4j.DocumentException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://docutils....
Closed Add clearCache method on topia context to clear hibernate cache
nuiton / topia #319 · created by Tony Chemit
Using a topia context for a long time without closing it will cause OutOfMemoryException. This is confirmed by documentation :
Closed Extract eugene generator into a new module (there have nothing to do inside eugene module)
nuiton / eugene #169 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2282 created on 2012-08-23, closed on 2012-10-24)*
Closed Fix ant-eugene-plugin link on home page of site
nuiton / eugene #26 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 228 created on 2010-01-17, closed on 2010-01-17)*
Closed Deprecate some parser (jsp, tapestry) : there are not enough efficient :(
nuiton / i18n #152 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2289 created on 2012-08-29, closed on 2012-08-29)*
Closed Add a acceptKeyFormat in parsers mojo to filter which incoming keys can be kept
nuiton / i18n #96 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2288 created on 2012-08-29, closed on 2012-08-29)*
Open In CSS files and client property params, a String value is not properly read
nuiton / jaxx #1525 · created by Tony Chemit
When using a client property param in CSS file, for a String value, you have to put some { } otherwise the generated file will search for some variables named as the string. flightBar.css: actionName...