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Closed support all protocol
chorem / bow #21 · created by Eric Chatellier
just http and https protocol are supported, all protocol must be supported (ftp://, file://, news://, ...) *(from redmine issue 224 created on 2010-07-22, closed on 2010-07-22)*
Closed Strange errors during tests - Possible resource leak !
retired / wikitty #125 · created by Tony Chemit
When performing tests, we got strange errors. Might be great to fix this. 2011-01-21 16:38:32,218 [Finalizer] ERROR org.apache.solr.common.util.ConcurrentLRUCache - ConcurrentLRUCache was not destroy...
Closed Remove deprecated BeanValidator api
nuiton / nuiton-utils #183 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2249 created on 2012-08-11, closed on 2012-08-11)*
Closed Can't use nuiton-validator in off-line mode
nuiton / nuiton-utils #180 · created by Tony Chemit
When using this api in off-line mode, it does not work and return this error
Line: 195 - java/net/
	at com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.DomHelper.parse(
Closed ImportND must paste import content using semantics
nuiton / nuiton-matrix #33 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2245 created on 2012-08-10, closed on 2012-08-10)*
Closed Import ND doesn't support windows CRLF line terminator
nuiton / nuiton-matrix #32 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2244 created on 2012-08-10, closed on 2012-08-10)*
Closed Add option to initialize selected values in dimension and default displayed graph
nuiton / nuiton-matrix #31 · created by Tony Chemit
Add option to: - select values in dimensions - select actions - select all values in dimensions - force graph to be displayed with that initialisation *(from redmine issue 2243 created on 2012-08-09...
Closed Utilisation de mavenpom4redmine 2.0.1
nuiton / eugene #25 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 224 created on 2010-01-17, closed on 2010-01-17)*
Closed Error on validation compilation using nuiton-validator when no internet connection
nuiton / i18n #95 · created by Tony Chemit
Issue on validation file parsing for i18n keys. There is a patch for xwork dtd resolver in nuiton-validator. I18n have to use it.
[ERROR] could not parse file /home/desbois/workspace/sammoa/sammoa-...
Closed Make possible again to change SwingValidatorFactory
nuiton / jaxx #1522 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2248 created on 2012-08-11, closed on 2012-08-11)*
Closed Updates to nuiton-utils 2.6
nuiton / jaxx #1521 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2247 created on 2012-08-11, closed on 2012-08-23)*
Closed ClassCellEditor does not work for anything but classes
nuiton / jaxx #1520 · created by Tony Chemit
If try to edit a interface, or an enum, it does not work. *(from redmine issue 2240 created on 2012-08-08, closed on 2012-08-08)*