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Closed Update to bsaf framework : 1.9.2
chorem / jtimer #37 · created by Eric Chatellier
Switch to (successor of saf). Warning : cause windows to loose location at first launch *(from redmine issue 193 created on 2010-05-06, closed on 2010-11-03)*
Closed (Not)Equals must be ignore case and ignore accent if needed
retired / wikitty #248 · created by Tony Chemit
Actellement on a un equals strict un like en fulltext, mais il faudrait quelque chose entre les deux: recherche en ignorant la case et les accents. Le mieux est d'ajouter un flag sur Equals et NotEqua...
Closed Improve TopiaQuery
nuiton / topia #266 · created by Tony Chemit
Usage of floating StringBuilder as internal state is not a good idea. When user set, or add something, it is better to store it in concrete states (String, List). The "StringBuilder" part can only b...
Closed dao.countByQuery does not work in some cases
nuiton / topia #265 · created by Tony Chemit
This code is not correct if a mainalias and setselect and a distinct on a query
if (distinct && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mainAlias)) {
   count.append("DISTINCT ").append(mainAlias);
   // When distin...
Closed Change maven-jaxx-plugin to jaxx-maven-plugin
nuiton / jaxx #1467 · created by Tony Chemit
Nicely ask by maven guys :) *(from redmine issue 1939 created on 2012-02-03, closed on 2012-02-06)*