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Closed Aucune donnée au premier lancement
retired / lima #3 · created by Eric Chatellier
Lima est vide à la première execution. Il faudrait rajouter un plan comptable par défaut. De plus, les boutons d'ajout semble inefficace lorsqu'aucune donnée n'est chargé... *(from redmine issue 57 c...
Open Create a help directive
retired / jrst #25 · created by Tony Chemit
It should be useful to create a help directive to generate a javahelp. This directive will generate an anchor in html. *(from redmine issue 572 created on 2010-05-06)*
Open Generate a file with a directive URLs
retired / jrst #24 · created by Tony Chemit
If we take a RST directive, for example help, we should have a file that gather the URLs of all the directive URLs. Example : we got a file truc.rst
.. help:toto
and we will got an output file f...
Closed Generated file is empty
retired / jrst #11 · created by Tony Chemit
Je cherche à générer un fichier rst dans un site maven avec le plugin jrst mais le fichier généré est vide. La génération en passant par l'interface graphique me génère bien ce qui est souhaité. *(fr...
Closed Different platforms end-of-line characters support
retired / jrst #7 · created by Tony Chemit
Sont a supporter comme fin de ligne: \r, \n, \r\n *(from redmine issue 57 created on 2009-09-21, closed on 2010-11-12, duplicates #195)*
Closed Connaitre dans les logs l'ip des machines qui checkout
nuiton / scmwebeditor #3 · created by Tony Chemit
Dans les logs, il serait pratique d'avoir l'ip des machines qui font les actions. Ca permet de savoir si ce sont des bots (google, yahoo), ou des vrais gens (et si c'est nous). Et on pourra meme fair...
Closed Calling mvn eugene:help raise a classpath error
nuiton / eugene #264 · created by Tony Chemit
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI :: ...
Closed Can specify the hibernate type of an attribute via a type tag value
nuiton / topia #89 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 579 created on 2010-05-07, closed on 2010-05-07)*
Closed Depreciate some methods in entities and daos
nuiton / topia #88 · created by Tony Chemit
- Getters/setters on TopiaEntity super interface for technical properties : new methods will replace them :getId, setId, getVersion, setVersion, getCreateDate, setCreateDate - methods using TopiaConte...
Closed Tests before JPA migration
nuiton / topia #87 · created by Tony Chemit
- TopiaContextFactory - TopiaContextImpl - TopiaQuery - TopiaFiresSupport *(from redmine issue 577 created on 2010-05-07, closed on 2014-03-28)*
Closed Create Code Extensions to allow inserting code into object model
nuiton / eugene #50 · created by Tony Chemit
We should be able to insert code into object model to manipulate the methods that have been created before the generation. This is done by Code Extensions. *(from redmine issue 576 created on 2010-05...
Closed Bad log spelling
nuiton / i18n #26 · created by Tony Chemit
Petit prob [INFO] [i18n:parserJava {execution: default}] [INFO] start entry basedir:/home/couteau/workspace/labs/vradi/vradi-swing/target/generated-sources/java, includes:[**/*.java] [INFO] 57 file(s...
Open Use EUGene to generate java files
nuiton / jaxx #1348 · created by Tony Chemit
Create an object model from jaxx file with Code Extensions and then use EUGene to generate the java files. Eugene can improve a lot the generated code, we will use it from this version. For this pur...
Open Generate help from RST
nuiton / jaxx #1347 · created by Tony Chemit
Using and from JRST to generate the help from rst. The help system will so be different from javahelp which is used at the moment...